Futuremovement had the pleasure of taking out the two most glamorous women from the James Bond No Time to Die movie premiere for an experience on the water riding the latest efoil Waydoo .

(Images from Australian Press Agency & matrixpictures.com.au)
Miss World Australia 2019 Sarah Marschke and DJ Helena Ellis came to Sydney’s south to try out foiling on the Waydoo for the first time. A film crew was there capturing the water action in Sans Souci and coverage will be aired on Channel 7 News tonight.
We sat down with Miss World Australia 2019 Sarah Marschke straight after her successful experience foiling and her delight was clear to see.
Futuremovement: Hi Sarah how are you?
Sarah Marschke: Hi I am good.
Futuremovement: So what did you just do?
Sarah Marschke: I just I went out there and I gave it my best go on the board and I managed to stand up quite a few times so its not as hard as you would think it would be. Once you get the technique down oh you will be flying.
Futuremovement: Awesome, so that was your first time on an e foil?
Sarah Marschke: It was my first time. And I’ll tell you what it's soo much better then a jet-ski I would prefer that any day.
Futuremovement: Fantastic and were you able to stand up?
Sarah Marschke: I was. I think about a solid 7 times. And I was able to get out of the water. When you fall down it’s just like hitting water it doesn’t hurt at all.
Futuremovement: Fantastic and how long did it take you to get up?
Sarah Marschke: I think about a minute. Maybe even less than a minute. I was really determined to stand up. So I kind of wiggled my way around the board got my balance and then I was like I am going for it. And so I was able to stand up.
Futuremovement: Awesome! It was lovely to have you.
Sarah Marschke: Thank you very much.
To learn more about the Waydoo contact Future Movement today!